Friday, 26 October 2007

Hooped petticoats

Hoop skirts went the way of the accented rear. Everything that could keep women from remaining seated was encouraged; anything that could have impeded their walking was avoided.

Thursday, 18 October 2007

Responding to a quote

The ascendancy of the bourgeoisie works a change in women’s wear. Clothing and hairstyles take on added dimensions…it was not long before the old hoop-petticoats came back into favour and full skirts were the thing.
Women, thus accoutered, appeared destined for a sedentary life – family life – since their manner of dress had about it nothing to suggest or seem to further the idea of movement. Hoop skirts went the way of the accented rear. Everything that could keep women from remaining seated was encouraged; anything that could have impeded their walking was avoided. They wore their hair and their clothes as though they were to be viewed in profile. For the profile is the silhouette of someone who passes, who is about to vanish from our sight. Dress became an image of the rapid movement that carries away the world

Charles Blanc, quoted by Walter Benjamin in The arcades project, 1999.

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Little old lady

This is a picture of Molly taken this summer, she was a special, happy, funny, loving little being.
I've had the pleasure of her in my life for 12 wonderful years.... always by my side funny face x


I began windsurfing in Dahab, Egypt in January this year, blue skies, 30 degrees c, and constant 4 mph winds. Stithians Lake, Cornwall was a bit of a shock to come back to!
I've become addicted and sail whenever the wind allows. This is me practicing heli-tacks...tend to spend more time in the water than on the board but am loving it!