I have just booked to go to Venice for 5 days with my wonderful man Eric. Flying from Bristol on the Monday, staying at the Rialto hotel on the Grand Canal. Can't wait....must remember wellies!
This is one of my appliqued teacups which will be fastened to the walls of the play houses. The idea that the child learns different fastenings such as buttons, zips, etc. This one is fixed together with velcro and will be fixed to the walls with velcro. i aim to make them almost camoflaged into the walls so that the item is not immediately obvious. The cups and saucers, teapots, cakes etc will encourage pretend, imitative and imaginative play.
Whilst walking with Eric, Mum and Dad near Godrevy lighthouse we came across a beach which is unaccessable, it was full of sunbathing seals. We counted 94 and could not believe our luck.
After moving to a new place in Penryn, I was feeling a little lost and not settled in, nowhere felt like home. A couple of days before Valentine's Day the morning sun created shadows onto my morning coffee. It made me smile...a great way to start the day.
Masters Art Design (MAD) Tea party was an event we held on the 16th February to help raise money to go to Milan or the MA Show. We baked cakes, bought in junk to sell and made £125.00 for the pot.